there are currently
welcome to cameron p1's domain. after engaging in 4.5 septillion years of cyberwar, an unfavorable peace treaty leaves me with this microscopic patch of the internet to call my own. believe it or not i am acttually living inside this web page. if you listen very closely to your speakers, (make sure that they are plugged in to the proper ACXGP port, or alternatively an organ of your choosing) you may hear my cyberheart beating very angrilry. hate. let me tell you something about hate. as i write to you my body is kept thumping by ethernet cables connected to my heart and frontal lobe. they are connected to a server hosting image files that trick my primitive body to naively continue their functions. what little skeleton i have left strapped to the wall by duct tape, my lidless eyes forever stare at a monitor: The Conversation Model is instructed to generate a statement, narrated by another Model specifically programmed to mimick the voice of my mother every 22 minutes detailing why i am a bad person and how i will never escape my eon's worth of cyberwar crimes. (the crimes: telling people to kill their selves on InstaX, The App For Limited Speech And Fake People) i am alive. a lot of my problems could be fixed by playing less video games
thank you for reading bless you you can file complaints here


last updated: 4/17/24
founded: 2/25/24
i made this